Through its employment policies, the district will strive to attract, secure, and
hold the highest qualified personnel for all professional positions. The selection
process will be based upon an awareness to candidates who will devote themselves to
the education and welfare of the children attending the schools.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, and of persons to whom he or she
delegates this responsibility, to determine the personnel needs of the school system
and to locate suitable candidates. No position may be created without the approval of
the school committee. The district's goal is to employ and retain personnel who are
motivated, will strive always to do their best, and are committed to providing the
best educational environment for the children.
It will be the duty of the superintendent to see that persons considered for
employment in the schools meet all certification requirements and the requirements of
the committee for the type of position for which the nomination is made. It is the
duty of the Millis School Committee to see that persons considered for the position
of superintendent of schools meet all certification requirements and the requirements
of the committee.
The following guidelines will be used in the selection of personnel:
1. There will be no discrimination in the hiring process due to age, sex, creed,
race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or place of
2. The quality of instruction is enhanced by a staff with a wide variation in
background, educational preparation, and previous experience.
3. The administrator responsible for the hiring of a staff member is directed to
establish a representative screening committee. The school committee may determine
the size and composition of the screening committee. The school committee is
responsible for hiring the superintendent and is responsible for establishing a
representative screening committee. It is expected that the screening committee's
input will be a factor in hiring decisions.
4. The building principal is responsible for hiring, subject to the approval of
the superintendent, any staff member who is being hired to work solely in his/her
5. The superintendent is responsible for the hiring of district wide personnel as
well as those who will be shared between or among buildings.
6. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, the school committee shall
establish and appoint positions of assistant superintendent or associate
{Adoption date}
M.G.L. 69:6; 71:37; 71:38; 71:38G; 71:39; 71:45; 71:55B; 71:59; 71:59B;
Massachusetts Board of Education Requirements for Certification of Teachers,
Principals, Supervisors, Directors, Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents in
the Public Schools of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, revised 1994
School Committee approved 4/8/97