Policy #6.2.1-Use of School Property





CENTRAL CALENDAR      508-376-7013


  1. Applications for the proposed use of school facilities must be submitted to the Superintendent’s Office at least two weeks prior to the event.

  2. Every group and organization shall sign the general release form.

  3. The security deposit and registration fee must be paid in full before the function or programs start.

  4. User fees and personnel wages will be billed within thirty (30) days.

  5. Applicants must be over 21 years of age.


Under Mass. Gen. L. Chapter 71, Section 71, the Millis School Committee may, subject to such regulations as it may establish and without interference to its regular school program, allow the use of school premises for the following types of activities:

“By individuals and associations for such, educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic, and like purposes as it deems for the interest of the community.”

The law further states that the affiliation of any such association with a religious organization shall not disqualify the association of such use, and that public schools may be used as places of assemblage for citizens to hear candidates for public office.

Therefore it is understood that the primary function of public school facilities is for the education of children and that secondary community use shall not hinder in any way the educational process.

The Millis School Committee retains the right to deny use of school facilities to any group if it deems the use is detrimental to the interest of the community or interferes with the operation of the educational process.


Police Detail: The Director of Operations shall have the authority to require a police detail for any event for the protection of the public and the enforcement of traffic parking laws. As a guideline, organizations charging admission or anticipating more than 100 people attending an event shall be required to provide a police detail for the function. When two or more events take place at the same time, the organizations will share the costs of the police detail. The sponsoring group will be responsible for contracting with the Millis Police Department for the detail officer. 

Fire Alarms: When the fire alarm is activated, all groups must evacuate the building immediately. People should not wait for someone to tell them to leave the building. Individuals must stay outside and away from the building, until a Fire Department official notifies them that it is safe to re-enter.

Children: Groups or organizations instructing, coaching, or otherwise supervising children must provide satisfactory evidence to the Millis School Department that all adults participating in such roles have undergone and passed a current criminal records check (C.O.R.I.).

Supervision: The sponsoring group will provide proper supervision of children. Children will not be allowed to leave the area of the function. Children will not be left unattended in the buildings; the adult responsible must remain with the youngsters until the appropriate person comes for them.

Facility Use: Millis School District facilities and grounds may not be used without the express written permission of the Superintendent of Schools.


The applicant agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Millis School District (attached). As a condition of access to the property, the requesting organization and the undersigned applicant agrees (A) to pay for and assume full liability for any and all loss or damages to persons or property or claim therefore resulting to, or arising from, the use of School Department facilities by such organizations or individual (and those granted access to the facility thereby) whether from an occurrence at the property or facility itself during such use, before or after such use, going to and from such use, in or about available parking areas or otherwise; (B) to reimburse or hold harmless the District and the members, agents and employees thereof from any such loss, damage or claim, including but not limited to, it or their attorney’s fees; and (C) to pay any attorney’s fees and costs paid or incurred by the District to enforce any obligation imposed under this paragraph or otherwise in the application. The applicant’s signature indicates s/he has fully read, and understands and agrees to, the general release and condition governing facility use and accepts full responsibility for conformance.

Signature of Applicant: _________________________________ Date: ____________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Home Tel. #: ________________________ Cell Tel. #: ________________________
Email address (please print clearly): _______________________________________ 


  1. Alcohol and tobacco products are strictly prohibited in school buildings or on school property.

  2. All school activities will supercede any non-school function, including school functions that are required or rescheduled.

  3. All activities will terminate at 10:00 p.m. Prior permission and arrangements must be made to stay later than 10:00 p.m.

  4. Cleaning and maintenance of school facilities will take precedence over outside functions during school vacation periods or non-school days.

  5. Fire regulations: Decoration of assembly areas is not permitted. Appliances fueled by gas or charcoals are not permitted to be used or stored in the buildings. Electrical appliances and other devices are to be inspected by the proper building official. Open flames or candles are not permitted without prior approval of the Millis Fire Chief.

  6. School Department tools, equipment, extension cords, or vehicles are not to be used for a non- school function.

  7. It is prohibited to nail, staple, tack, tape, or affix any material to school buildings or structures. All scenery, decorations, fixtures, etc. used in school buildings must conform with applicable fire safety laws, regulations, and procedures and shall be removed from the building no later than the day following the event.

  8. Political signs or leaflets must be hand-held. They shall not be permitted to be hung, attached or fixed on school buildings and grounds.

  9. After a function, school buildings and grounds will be restored to original condition in anticipation of the next school day. The sponsor of the group or function will be responsible for set up before an event and clean up and restoration of furniture, or equipment, after an event. When food or beverage is to be served, a school custodian will be required for proper clean up.

  10. Food and beverages are allowed in the cafeteria or front lobby only.

  11. The sponsoring group will be held responsible for the general conduct of all persons using a school facility. Children must be adequately chaperoned.

  12. No private concession, or private sale of items, will be allowed on district property unless approved by the Millis School Committee.

  13. Proper footwear must be worn when using the gymnasiums. When furniture or equipment is to be placed on the playing surface, School Department protection mats shall be put down. The sponsor will be responsible for expenses incurred for the installation of the protective mats.

  14. Egress: Exits, hallways, aisles and escapes are not permitted to be reduced in size by furniture or equipment. Free and clear access will be maintained at all times. Capacities of assembly areas are not permitted by fire codes and regulations to be increased beyond the limits of the certificate of occupation. Portable furniture or equipment is not allowed in the auditorium, other than areas designated for wheelchairs, without approval of the Millis Fire Chief.

  15. A custodian must be present at all times when school buildings are used by non-school groups or organizations.

  16. The custodian has the authority to ask an individual, or individuals, to leave the building for unacceptable conduct.

  17. If the Auditorium Sound Booth is used, the sponsoring group is responsible for the hourly fee.

Note: An updated fee schedule, approved by the Millis School Committee, will be substituted for the preceding schedule whenever a modification has been made. 



A custodian is required to open and close the school buildings for security and burglar alarm requirements.

Kitchen / Cafeteria personnel are required when the kitchen is used for any reason.

Technical staffing may be required for sound, audio or visual equipment. If sound, audio or visual equipment in the sound booth is used a technician is required.

Some functions require the full attention of a custodian during the event. Other functions require minimal custodial attention during the event. To enhance our buildings and grounds, custodians will be assigned certain duties within the building in which the event occurs. For events large in scope, which have a need for the custodian to be present at all times, the custodian will be assigned directly to that event.

For an event that does not require constant custodial coverage, the following phone numbers has been provided for you to summon a custodian if services are required.

If assistance is needed while at the Clyde F. Brown School, please contact the custodian at (508) 441-2812.

If assistance is needed while at the Middle/High School, please contact the custodian at (508) 441-2831

The applicant agrees to pay to the Town of Millis School Department, all expenses for custodial, cafeteria or other services required. The current terms are set forth in the parties’ respective contracts, and are subject to change. The current terms are:

  1. Cafeteria personnel shall be paid at the employee’s time and one half rate (1 1/2) of pay, at a minimum of four (4) hours. Sundays and holidays, the rate shall be paid at two (2) times the rate of pay at a minimum of four (4) hours.

  2. Custodial personnel shall be paid at the employee’s time and one half rate
    (1 1/2) of pay, at a minimum of two (2) hours. Sundays and holidays, the rate shall be paid at two (2) times the rate of pay at a minimum of four (4) hours.

  3. The appropriate manager will determine technical staffing and pay.

  4. All checks must be made payable to: Town of Millis.

  5. Cancellations must be made forty-eight hours in advance or fees and wages will still be charged. 

I have read and understand the policy, regulations and fee schedules, and understand that as the person responsible, representing the organization, I will be responsible for the above and care of the school facilities against damage. Please submit a copy of insurance liability with this form if applicable.

I further stipulate that all adults who may have contact with children during this event have satisfactorily completed the CORI check.

Applicant: ___________________________ Official Capacity: __________________


Approved by: ________________________________Date: ______________________

Director of Operations

First Reading November 9, 2004
Second Reading November 23, 2004
November 23, 2004 

FY 2016

Classroom $ 20.00 per hour

Middle / High $ 50.00 per hour for adult groups
Gymnasium $ 26.00 per hour for youth groups

Clyde F. Brown $ 40.00 per hour for adult groups
$ 26.00 per hourfor youth groups

Locker Rooms  $ 33.00 per hour

Locker rooms are for use by adults only and are to be used in conjunction with other school facilities.

Cafeteria $ 53.00 per hour

Kitchen $ 33.00 per hour

Note: A kitchen employee must be present during use of the kitchen.

Auditorium $ 98.00 per hour

Sound Booth Fee $ 26.00 per hour

Computer Room $ 40.00 per hour

A deposit of $550.00 is required for the rental of a computer room. In addition, a Millis Public Schools computer technician must be hired to assist in the computer room. The Computer Systems Manager is authorized to waive this requirement if the individual securing the group is known to have the required technological skills.

Library $ 53.00 per hour
Computer use extra as detailed above.

Baseball Field $ 230.00 per use

With the exception of Millis Youth Baseball / Softball. Special arrangements have been made with Millis Youth Baseball / Softball for maintenance of grounds in lieu of user fee.

Brook Field $ 26.00 per use / per day

A $ 30.00 non-refundable registration fee is required for each program.

A $ 330.00 deposit is required for each program to address issues of damage or need for excessive cleaning. This deposit is refundable if no damage or excessive cleaning charge is required. 

Revised 10/22/15

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