Policy #5.2.22-Middle School - Failure of Two Courses

FAILURE OF TWO OR MORE COURSES                                                5.2.22



In all cases, the principal reserves the right to have the final decision regarding retention/promotion.


Should a student fail two or more courses, then that child becomes a serious candidate for retention. The child must then demonstrate knowledge in the subject areas failed by successfully completing summer school or successfully completing twenty (20) hours of tutoring in each subject. In either case, the student will then be required to take a proficiency test to determine competency and to meet Millis standards.

Middle School Mastery of Course Standards

 A variety of information is gathered to determine successful course completion. Classroom measures of content and skills, performance tasks and observations provide information relative to mastery of course standards.

The following represents criteria for successful course completion:

Students receiving traditional grades must demonstrate a year-end average of 60% or better in a course.

Students receiving standards-based ratings must achieve grade level mastery (3) in a majority of the standards identified for a course on the report card at the end of the school year.

If a student does not demonstrate successful course completion, then the student will either successfully complete a summer school course or a school-designed instructional program, which may include tutoring in the content area, at the discretion of the Principal. If a student fails to demonstrate mastery of the content and skills of two or more courses, then the student will be considered for retention.

First Reading: waived 10-2-18

Second Reading: 10-2-18

Third Reading: 10-9-18


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