Policy #5.2.1-Retention - Elementary Schools

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS                                                                          5.2.1


From time to time it may be necessary and beneficial to retain a student. Before any such decision is reached however, there should be dialogue between school and home. It should be recognized that each case is different and that there are a number of factors to be considered including the goals for the retention, the expectations for the youngster, the student's overall ability, motivation, his/her learning rate and style, motivation, age, peer relationships and parent attitude. The primary reason for retention, however, should be a failure to master the basic skills in reading, language arts and math.


The teacher, when he or she is first considering retention as a possibility, must discuss this with the child's parents or guardian no later than the middle of March allowing sufficient time for alternatives to be explored and testing and other evaluations to be completed. Every effort should be made to enlist the parents' or guardians' support and to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, however final decision on retention rests with the building principal.


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