Policy #4.21.10-Web Page Publishing





The Web Site of the Millis Public School, www.millis.k12.ma.us, is a public relations instrument of the Millis School Committee and the District, the purpose of which is to have the District share information with students, parents, and community members of events and to have the District showcase the accomplishments of students and staff. It should be understood by anyone producing web pages that there should be no expectation of First Amendment rights with respect to the content of the web pages.


The District Web Master provides network access for the creation and maintenance of web pages. Creators of web pages are responsible for familiarizing themselves with, and adhering to. the following procedures and responsibilities. Failure to follow this policy may result in the loss of posting privileges. Other disciplinary action may be taken if appropriate.


Subject Matter


All subject matter on web pages must relate to general information that is determined to be appropriate by each Principal (see monitoring section below) and of interest to others, information that is related to school sponsored activities, or information that is related to curriculum and instruction. Web pages may not be used for political or religious purposes or for furthering the interests of private businesses or individuals.


Staff or students may not publish personal web pages as part of the District Web Site. Web pages for other individuals or organizations may not be published as part of the Millis Public Schools' Web Site. Staff or students may publish only information that relates to a class project, course activity, or other school related activity.




The content of the web pages must adhere to the information above relative to subject matter. All content must be in good taste.


a. Web pages may not contain any student or staff e-mail addresses or address links.


b. Web pages may not include information of a confidential nature such as a student's last name, home address, telephone number, individual test scores, a staff member's home address, or a staff member's home telephone number.


c. No pictures of students under 18 years of age may be published without the written consent of the student's parent or guardian.


d. No pictures of individuals 18 years of age or older may be published without the written consent of those individuals.


e. No diagrams of school facilities may be published.


f. No political or religious opinions may be published. Political opinions include, but are not limited to, opinions relative to educational pedagogy such as guided reading, flexible grouping, homogeneous grouping, etc.


g. No information contributing to commercial or personal gain may be published.


h. Web pages should not contain so many graphics, sounds, or movies that the page takes an inordinate time to load. A general rule is "if a site takes longer than one minute to load using a 56k modem, the multimedia content needs to be scaled back."


i. All content, including graphics, sounds, and video must adhere to copyright regulations. All graphics, sounds, and video must conform.to the formats currently approved by the District Webmaster.


j. No links to staff, volunteer, or student personal web pages may be published.


k. No links to "non-official" Millis Public Schools' web sites that are hosted on remote / external (non-district) web servers (i.e. PTO pages, athletic booster pages, etc.) are permitted.


l. No chat rooms, message boards, etc. are permitted on the web pages.


m. Links to sites that are not accessible inside the network (through the Millis Public Schools' filtering system) are not permitted.


n. No actions or conduct that may be construed as illegal or unethical, including the use of the link to gain unauthorized access to other systems on the network. All individuals accessing the school district's web site are prohibited from the following: using the District's web site for any personal use without permission (i.e. to send an e-mail and / or access another Internet site); using any profane, threatening, libelous, or criminal language when using the site for District business; accessing any prohibited sites on the Internet; overriding or encouraging anyone to override any firewalls established on the Internet access network; permitting another individual to use their password. dissemination of any passwords, codes, access telephone numbers, or account numbers; and / or any other action whatsoever which would in any way subject the employee and / or employer to a possible criminal or civil actions. The foregoing list is not all-inclusive and the District reserves the right to notify a user of any other impermissible action regarding the use of the web site.




All web page material should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Documents may not contain objectionable material or link directly to objectionable material.




Each principal shall form an advisory committee consisting of two members of the professional staff and two parents to review content on a regular basis. These individuals may be members of the School Council if the Principal so chooses. This advisory committee shall make recommendations to the Principal relative to documents that are inappropriate for the web site. The Principal shall consider the advice of his / her advisory council. However, the Principal shall have the final decision making responsibility in this matter. He/she shall have the right and responsibility to require the removal of any material that he/she feels is inappropriate.




Only those individuals authorized by the school administration may edit the web site.


Ownership and Retention


All web pages on the District server(s) are the property of the Millis Public Schools. Web pages will be deleted when the staff member who created them has left the school district unless prior arrangements have been made with the Web Master.


a. The authorized staff member who is publishing the final web pages will edit and test the pages for accuracy and check for conformance with standards as outlined in this policy.


b. The District Web Master shall approve the placement of all web pages on the district server.


c. Final decisions regarding access to active web pages for editing content or organization will rest with the Principals, the Web Master, and the Superintendent of Schools.




No staff member shall direct students to his / her personal, non-district web site.




The Millis School Committee and the Millis Public Schools shall not be held responsible for the content of any other web site, including web sites that may be linked from the District Site.


Complaint Process


Any concern relative to the contents of the Millis Public Schools' Web Site should be directed to the appropriate Principal. The appropriate Principal will investigate the issue and take appropriate action, if any. The Principal will indicate to the referring individual what action, if any, has been taken.



School Committee First Reading: August 5. 2003


School Committee Second Reading: waived August 26. 2003


School Committee Approved: August 26, 2003




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