Policy #3.21-Substitute Teachers

Substitute Teachers                                                                                        3.21



Each building principal will have the authority to employ as many substitute teachers as may be necessary to take the place of teachers who are temporarily absent. Periodically he/she will submit to the superintendent a list of qualified substitutes for approval.


The school system will employ as substitute teachers, to the extent possible, persons who meet the requirements for teacher appointments and will assign teachers substitute teaching on the basis of their areas of competence.


When the supply of potential substitutes in a particular subject area is too limited to meet school department needs, there will be active recruitment for substitutes in those areas. All substitute teachers will be expected to provide educational services, rather than assume merely a student-supervisory role. They will be provided with as much support as possible by building administrators and teachers.


The school committee will set the daily rate of pay for substitute teachers, including extended-term substitutes. The latter will be granted such additional benefits as approved by the school committee.


First Reading: 10/17/00 deferred


Second Reading: 1117/1000


Adoption Date: 11/7/00






Pay Rates as of December 15, 2015 (approved by School Committee)


            With Certification       With Bachelor's           Without Bachelor's

                                                No Certification         

Days 1-30       $80                              $70                              $60

Days 31 +       $90                              $80                              $70


Accumulation of days continues from one year to next.


Long-term substitutes in one position shall be compensated at the regular rate (as above) for the first 30 days. On the 31st day of the assignment, the substitute shall receive $115/day without certification and $135 per day with certification. Substitutes will be granted one sick day per month during the long-term assignment. Substitute teachers are bi-monthly paid on Thursday. Checks will be mailed to home addresses unless instructed to do otherwise. Questions related to pay issues should be addressed to the Central Office 508-376-7000. 

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