Policy #1.4.1-Mission and Vision




It is the vision of the Millis Public Schools to provide an outstanding education for all students.




To accomplish this end, the Millis School Committee will furnish the leadership necessary to design and offer programs which will reflect the SCAC outcomes and the Massachusetts Guiding Principles by seeking the necessary financial resources and through empowering the staff, students, school councils, and the community.




To this end, the Millis Public Schools will foster an environment where:


  • students are held to high expectations and standards
  • students learn using a variety of strategies and approaches
  • students explore how knowledge has purpose and meaning in their lives
  • purposeful interaction is a vital ingredient to student learning
  • curriculum is based on inquiry, problem-solving, discovery, and application of key issues and concepts
  • assessment is both a process and a tool to improve instruction and enhance student learning
  • curriculum points to the connections within and across disciplines
  • technology provides important tools for enriching the learning process


In addition, students in Millis upon graduation will encompass the SCAC outcomes as follows:


Students will learn to be critical thinkers, demonstrate the ability to define a problem, identify or create solutions, evaluate those solutions, and make an informed decision regarding these alternatives. Emphasis will be placed on encouraging students to ask questions and seek answers related to academic and personal issues.


Students will possess strong communications skills, including the ability both to write and speak clearly and effectively, and will be able to use these skills in an appropriate manner when participating in group or person-to-person situations.


Students will demonstrate the appropriate level of competency for their abilities and goals in all basic academic disciplines, including math, the sciences, humanities, and technology.


Students will demonstrate an awareness of community and appreciation of the diversity of cultures in our society, as well as show respect for the environment and a willingness to participate in government.


Students will develop an attitude of life-long learning, continuing to grow and flourish after they have left the schools. They will respect their bodies and understand the effects of their choices on health and emotional well-being.


Students will develop a strong sense of respect for themselves and others, showing the ability to resolve conflicts and work positively with others: Important interpersonal skills such as the ability to resolve conflicts, active listening, and the art of negotiation will be encouraged.


Students will learn the skills needed to be productive in the workforce, including learning time and stress-management skills, show the ability to work both independently and in groups, and be able to adapt to changes.







First Reading: 8/7/00


Second Reading: 8/15/00


Approved School Committee: 8/15/00



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