Policy #4.21.11-Employee email Policy

Millis Public Schools Employee Email Policy                                               4.21.11




The Millis Public School District (MPS) provides electronic mail (email) resources for its employees. For purposes of this document, an employee is defined as one who receives a regular payroll check generated by MPS and is currently employed by the school District. Email is defined as a document created, transmitted and/or received through the MPS mail system using either a personal computer or a computer owned by the school district. The school district's Statement of Employee Email Policy defines the policies that will ensure the continuous service of the MPS Employee Mail System.


Statement of Employee Email Policy


Employees should be aware that any email generated is considered public record, and subject to the Massachusetts Public Records law, G. L. C. 66, http://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcrmu/rmubul/bul199.htm

(Appendix A) as well as the United States Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S. Code Sections 2501 and 2701.


(Appendix B). Email correspondence may be subject to public inspection and may be used as evidence in litigation. Employees should also know that while every attempt will be made to secure the Employee Mail System, MPS cannot guarantee the privacy of email sent, received or stored due to the nature of electronic communication technology.


Acceptable Use of the Employee Mail System


The purpose of the Employee Mail System is to provide MPS authorized users with the ability to communicate through email for educational purposes. Communication with peers for academic or school related business purposes is acceptable, as well as email to students, parents and the community. Employees should be aware, however, that any written communication is considered to be a legal document and may be used as evidence in litigation.


Unacceptable uses of the Employee Mail System


  • Allowing an unauthorized user to access the system.
  • Using email for personal monetary gain that is not related to school business.
  • Harassing other authorized users or generating harassing email to anyone.
  • Sending information that violates copyright laws, such as copied images, documents and music files.
  • Using abusive, objectionable, or threatening language deemed inappropriate in email messages to others.
  • On-line gambling.
  • Posting items for sale or rent for personal monetary gain.
  • Distribution of pornographic or other offensive materials or images.
  • Generation of email using a false identity, or pretending to be someone else (spoofmg). Generation of junk emails, chain letters or SP AM.
  • Any unauthorized use of the system, including attempt of disruption of services, interception of other users emails, or attempt to breach the security of the mail system.


Rights of Millis Public School District


The Millis Public School District, as owner of the Employee Mail System, has the right to obtain, copy and archive all documents or communications created using the system. These documents may be subject to public inspection, under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (appendix A). Deleting a document from a personal mailbox only removes the electronic pointer to the document stored on the server. Employees should be aware that even if a document is deleted from their mailbox, the document continues to be stored on the mail system for a period of approximately three years.


MPS may also monitor any email communications at any time for the purpose of maintaining the integrity and continued operation of the Employee Mail System without providing notification to the employee. To the extent of the law, MPS also retains the right to disclose the contents of an employee's mail without the consent of the employee. Disclosure of email would occur if requested by authorized personnel or law enforcement officials, as a response to a request for information in an investigation of unacceptable use or misconduct. An employee should be aware that their email content is subject to review at any time by authorized personnel.




The confidentiality of any message or material should not be assumed. Even when a message or material is erased, it may still be possible to retrieve and read that message or material. Further, the use of passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality. Notwithstanding the Millis Public Schools' right to retrieve and read any electronic mail or Internet messages or material, such messages or material should be treated as confidential by other users and accessed only by the intended recipient. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of material on the systems. Certain departments may have additional confidentiality obligations regarding records, for which additional policies will be implemented. Without prior management authorization, users are not permitted to retrieve or read e-mail messages that are not sent to them; with prior management authorization, the contents of such electronic mail, Internet [or voicemail] messages or materials are subject to being accessed and/or be disclosed to others.


Termination of Services

Millis Public School District reserves the right to terminate an employee's use of the Employee Mail System for inappropriate or unacceptable use as outlined in this document. Employees should be aware that should their mail services be terminated, other disciplinary actions might be taken as well.


First Reading: May 6,2008

Second Reading: June 25,2008

Approval: June 25, 2008




Millis Public Schools Employee Email Policy

Employee Signature Page


I have received and reviewed a copy of the Millis Public School's Employee Email Policy. I agree to abide by the terms and conditions under which Millis grants employees access to its email system. I understand that a violation or violations of this policy may be grounds for revocation of my right to use the District's email system and/or other disciplinary action.


Millis Public School's Employee Name (Printed):














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