Policy #1.2-School Committee Legal Status

SCHOOL COMMITTEE LEGAL STATUS                                                            1.2


State law provides that:


            Every town at its annual town meeting shall in every year when the term of office of any incumbent expires, and except when other provision is made by law, choose by ballot from its registered voters five members of the school committee for terms of three years.


The school committee is the governing board of the town's public school system. Although it functions as a duly elected committee of town government, the school committee has - unlike other town boards - autonomous and absolute authority with limitations established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to carry out the educational policies of the state and guide the educational process.


Legal refs.:       M.G.L. 41:1 and 71:37 specifically, but powers and duties of school                                  committees are established throughout the General Laws of Massachusetts                        Relating to School Committees


First Reading: 9/15/98


Adoption: 10/6/98




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