Policy #5.4-Activities and Programs

ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS                                                                5.4


Statement of Purpose


The School Committee believes that effective schools encompass not only the school's curriculum but the total school program including extra curricular activities. The School Committee believes that extra curricular activities are important in fostering well-rounded students. Therefore the Committee recognizes and supports the extra curricular activities and programs which are delineated in Addendum A.


1.         If an individual, an employee, or employees decide to conduct activities with students outside of those listed on Addendum A, he or she may request official sanction of the activity by the School Committee. If the School Committee votes to sanction a particular activity, all notices or memorandums distributed detailing the activity will carry the words: "Officially sanctioned by the Millis School Committee by vote on (specific date)."


2.         The absence of the statement "officially sanctioned by the Millis School Committee" is direct evidence that the Millis School Committee has not sanctioned the activity and assumes no responsibility for the activity.


3. If a person undertakes an activity without official sanctioning of the School Committee, he or she does so individually and without the sponsorship or control of the Committee. The Millis School Committee assumes no responsibility for such functions.


4. Because the Millis Middle School / Millis High School facility serves as the focal point for many community activities, functions which are not officially sanctioned by the Millis School Committee may be planned by parents or community members within the facility. In addition, information about such activities may be distributed at the facility. The fact that these activities arc not prohibited in this building should not be interpreted that the activities are supervised or sanctioned by the Millis School Committee.         The Millis School Committee assumes no responsibility for any function which does not carry the statement "Sanctioned by the Millis School Committee by vote on (specific date)."





The following activities are considered sponsored by the Millis School Committee, although funding for such activities may be the responsibility of the student or his / her parent.


1.         In-state educational field trips during the school day which have been approved     by both the Principal and the Superintendent


2.         MIAA sports - practices and games, approved in advance by the Athletic Director


3.         Athletic Banquets, approved in advance by the Athletic Director and the Principal


4.         School dances, on or off school property, approved in advance by the Principal


5.         Work / study placements, approved in advance by the Principal


6.         TV production activities, approved in advance by the Principal


7.         In-state music program concerts and competitions under the supervision of Millis                         faculty members


8.         Activities on school grounds, outside of school hours, which are supervised by      employees of the Millis Public Schools who are being compensated for the    supervision of the specific activity


                        Intramural Programs

                        Club Programs


9.         Activities on school grounds, outside of school hours, which are supervised by      volunteers, working under the direction of the Principal


                        Odyssey of the Mind

                        Math Counts

                        Internet Group



10.       Activities on school grounds, outside of school hours, which are sponsored by       Home School Associations and which have been approved by the Principal


                        Clyde Brown Ice Cream Social


11.       Activities off school grounds, outside of school hours, which are supervised by     paid employees of the Millis Public Schools, but who are not being compensated   for the supervision of the specific activity, provided such activity has the prior      approval of the Principal and the Superintendent


                        Concert trips with Michael Oliphant


12.       Activity Fundraiser, provided such fundraiser has the prior approval of the            Principal


13.       In-state non-educational trips outside of the school day, provided such activity has           the prior approval of the Principal and the Superintendent


                        Ski trip

                        Class trips, i.e. beach


The School Committee shall be notified of all activities in numbers 9 through 13, in advance. Such notification shall come from the Principal, through the Superintendent.




Each of the activities listed below must be specifically approved by vote of the School Committee if the activity is to be considered officially sanctioned. In the absence of such a vote, the activity shall be considered "non school sponsored". The Millis School Committee assumes no responsibility for such activities.


1 .        Any overnight trip


2.         Extended trips


3.         Out-of-state trips


4.         Home School Association sponsored activities, outside of school hours, which are             off school grounds


5.         Parent / Student Activity Committee sponsored activities





The Millis School Committee assumes no responsibility for the following activities.


1.         Home School Association sponsored activities, outside of school hours, off school            grounds, for which approval has neither been requested of, nor granted by the    Millis School Committee


2.         Parent / Student Activity Committee activities for which

            approval has neither been requested of, nor granted by the Millis School     Committee


3.         Trips or activities organized or planned by individuals or groups of students


4.         Any other activity not specifically identified in Addendum A



First Reading Date: May 6, 1997


Approved by Millis School Committee: June 3, 1997




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