Policy #5.11.7- Face Coverings

Millis Public Schools Policy
Policy for Face Coverings
Updated February 15, 2022 

In accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), and The Millis Board of Health, the following requirements are in place until further notice:

A face mask is required for all individuals in the Clyde Brown School, all health offices in both buildings, and while on any transportation vehicles owned and operated by Millis Public Schools. Individuals may be excluded from the requirement per CDC guidance and applicable law if the individual:

● Is having trouble breathing;

● Is unconscious;
● Is incapacitated;
● Is unable to remove the mask or face covering without assistance.

In addition, masks or face coverings will not be required for anyone who has a medical, behavioral, disability or other challenge making it unsafe or not possible to wear a face mask or face covering. A written note from a physician, or medical therapeutic specialist specific for rationale, required for a requested exemption. Requests will be reviewed by the School Nurse to determine if an exemption will be granted. Parents/guardians may not excuse their child from the face covering requirement by signing a waiver.

Face mask or face coverings will not be required:

● During mask breaks;
● While eating or drinking;
● During outdoor recess, outdoor Physical Education, outdoor school sports, and

outdoor learning environments

Student masks or face coverings will be provided by the student’s family/guardian. The district will supply a disposable face mask or face covering should an individual arrive at a building, or board school transportation, without one. The district will have face masks available for all school staff and for students whose masks become unusable. Guidance on acceptable masks/face coverings:

The following types of masks/face coverings are acceptable to wear at school, on school grounds and on school transportation.

● Blue disposable surgical masks (to be replaced daily, not to be washed or reused) ● Fabric masks, preferably with at least two layers of fabric
● Face shields along with a surgical or fabric mask.

The following types of masks/face coverings are not acceptable to wear at school, on school grounds and on school transportation:

● Mask with vents
● Neck gaiters
● Plastic face shields alone, without a fabric or surgical mask

If students are in violation of the policy the student will be isolated and the building principal or designee will consult with the student and parent/guardian. If that is unsuccessful, the student will be removed from the school building for in-person learning until such time as they can comply with the requirement or the requirement is lifted.

Violations of this policy by staff will be handled in the same manner as other violations of School Committee policy or expectation.

This policy will remain in place until modified or suspended by the School Committee.

Legal References:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, COVID-19 Order No. 31 -

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - Considerations for wearing masks https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Reopening Guidelines http://www.doe.mass.edu/covid19/on-desktop.html

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Mask Up MA!

DESE Guidance as of 5/17/21 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f2Av9pLNXUARJOQeA7ij5cwjhaWYEngH/edit

DESE Guidance as of 8/24/21 https://www.doe.mass.edu/covid19/on-desktop.html

Source: MASC August 2020


First adopted 9/22/20
Revised 5/19/21
Revised on: 6/28/21
nd and 3rd reading were waived
Adopted on 6/28/21
Revised on 8/18/21
Adopted on 8/24/21
Revised on 2/15/22
Adopted on 2/15/22

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