Policy #5.10.3-Suspension

SUSPENSION                                                                                                5.10.3


1. A pupil may be temporarily suspended by a principal for evident or repeated opposition to authority or failure to observe reasonable regulations of the school. The following bad conduct will be cause for suspension:

persistent truancy; opposition to authority, repetition of offenses after notice; habitual and determined neglect of duty; use of profane or obscene language; marring, defacing, destroying public property; smoking on school premises; improper use of motor vehicles; disrupting the educational process; consumption of alcoholic beverages.


2. No suspension shall exceed five consecutive school days unless the Superintendent or his designee has granted prior approval of said action.


3. In suspension cases the applicable procedure as noted below shall be used:


            a) A student shall be given a hearing prior to suspension and the reason for             suspension shall be discussed.


            b) Before sending a pupil out of the school building, the parent or guardian shall     be notified by telephone that this is being done.


            c) If the parent or guardian cannot be reached by telephone, the student shall be     kept in the school office until dismissal time.


            d) If the suspended student is disrupting the school process, in a situation where   the parent cannot be reached by telephone, the police shall be called and the         situation explained.


            e) In all suspension cases where a parent or guardian cannot be reached by telephone, a follow-up certified letter shall be sent to the parent or guardian on the    same day as the suspension, if possible. This letter shall make it clear to the parent    or guardian that the pupil will not be reinstated until a satisfactory parent-school   conference has been held. Furthermore, a copy of this letter of notification will be        sent to the Superintendent of Schools and the School Committee. It is expected       that the Guidance Department will exercise a supportive role in any conference       involved in the suspension process.


            f) A pupil shall have the opportunity to make up assignments and tests missed     during a period of temporary suspension. The responsibility for making such arrangements rests with the student. All work must be made up within the     proportionate number of days suspended, i.e. two days of suspension - two days             for makeup.


            g) First and Second suspensions will result in a certified letter to the parent or        guardian to inform them of the suspension, whenever they cannot be reached by       telephone.


            h) Third suspension at the discretion of the principal will result in a suspension to            the Superintendent of Schools at which time the parent or guardian must          accompany the child for a conference.


            i) After the suspension to the Superintendent, the next suspension will be to the    School Committee.


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